Student Storage Tips: Moving In and Out of University

As the school semester comes to a close, many graduating students are probably making plans to move out of their hostel, where they might have stayed for the past 3 or 4 years. On the other hand, it is also the time where prospective students are receiving their acceptance letters from universities, and must start thinking about their immediate future. Here are some tips for both kinds of students.

Make A List

A list is useful in tracking what you have to ensure things do not get lost along the way. For graduating students, making a brief list of the important things and which box you have kept them would help you, especially if you are moving from overseas. As for prospective students, making a list of all the important things would ensure you do not bring too much. Remember that you will accumulate bits and bobs over the years so try not to bring too many things at the beginning.

Storage bins and boxes are your friends

Although plastic bags seem like the most logical option, it is much easier to pack and move with regularly shaped objects—boxes or large plastic bins—as opposed to trash bags or grocery sacks. Even laundry baskets will do the trick, and the best thing is that they can be used during your hostel stay. Storage bins are also another object that is multi-purpose, as you can use them to store things under your beds or in your closet. If your dorm does not have an elevator, remember to get storage bins or baskets with handles to minimise fatigue when climbing up. You will also thank yourself when you are moving out and can reuse all these items. They are also available quite cheaply at IKEA or your regular storage stores. You can also pick up Storefriendly plastic boxes which comes with a locking mechanism. Storefriendly plastic boxes are also collapsible for easy storage when not in use.

Always bring a first aid and tool kit

You never know what might happen, so bring a first aid kit and keep it well stocked throughout the years. A tool kit is also useful for all the assembling and disassembling of furniture, curtains and more. It will also come useful during your years in universities when you need to replace furniture or give a little pizzazz to your dorm room. Both these kits are available very cheaply or can be put together yourself.

Consider getting storage

This is an especially efficient option if it takes a lot of time to travel between your university and home, or if you are an international student. Dorm rooms are often small, so storage units can provide supplementary space for your other precious belongings and necessary furniture. Getting a storage unit near your university also makes it easy to store dorm room belongings during the summer or during a university exchange trip. A storage space is also beneficial for those who have extracurricular activities like canoeing or archery; and even for students whose degree requires a good number of tools, like art.

Here at Storefriendly we have all kinds of affordable, no lock-in storage options tailored to you. For more information, visit our website or contact us here!

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