5 Reasons Why a Hot Desk Is Better Than a Traditional Office
Even with hot desking steadily increasing in popularity, many employers might still shun it for the more traditional office structure. Some may find the lack of hierarchy unappealing and inconvenient for their workers. However, the benefits of hot desking far outweigh the costs.
1. It improves communication and collaboration
The flexible nature of hot desking allows employees to gather when they want to, enhancing collaboration. People can sit close to the people they are working with at the moment, and move once the next project starts. Hot desking also promotes networking among employees who may not usually sit near one another — much like you would at university — which would definitely improve company culture. Moreover, sitting next to someone you don’t know can provide new avenues for collaborations or solutions, as you start getting to know each other.
2. Encouraging Teamwork
Even though teamwork is necessary for almost any kind of job, it can be challenging to build a culture of togetherness and interdependency. A 2014 study from Queens University of Charlotte revealed that 39% of the employees surveyed believed that people in their company did not collaborate enough. Hot desking permits employees to sit near those who they otherwise may not have the chance to, encouraging conversations and new bonds. It is especially important for managers as they can better connect with employees by sitting next to a different team member everyday.
3. Reducing the dreaded clutter
The “c” word can really take over our lives, making work unnecessarily stressful and slow. David Allen, a productivity expert mentioned that “When your space is filled up with things you haven’t organized, all of those things are constantly ‘yelling’ at you,” and it becomes a stressful reminder of all the things you have yet to accomplish. Hot desking inadvertently prevents clutter from getting out of hand because each area is shared. Personal clutter is kept at a minimum because employees no longer have their own desks. The problem of storage can be solved with additional lockers and shelving, keeping all the desks tidy.
4. Giving your employees autonomy
Micromanaging is harmful to everyone: the employee, the boss and the company. It is one of the main downers to company culture and causes a high turnover rate. Hot desking gives employees some room for choice by picking the area that is most conducive for them, allowing them some autonomy. If an employee needs a bit of a recharge after a long morning of meetings, they are free to do so. Employees that feel trusted and empowered do their jobs when they are happier at work, and will produce better work as well.
5. Keeping Costs Down
Traditional offices provide employees a specific spot to work in, even if the employee is not present. With today’s work-from-home culture, hot desking would save the company massive amounts of money by reducing wasted space.