Easy Hobbies to Try in Isolation
You’ve cleaned the house, organised the pantry and put stuff away in storage. Now you spend your days working from home, bingeing on Netflix and scrolling through the endless memes on Facebook and Instagram. Well then, it’s time to find a different way to entertain your soul. Use your time more productively and try these new hobbies, all from the comfort of your home.
Get Crafty with Needlework
For those with a bit of creative flair, cross-stitching or embroidery is a fun hobby that can be enjoyed by all skill levels. If you are a beginner wanting to get into this new hobby, there are plenty of beginner kits you can purchase online and get delivered to your home (check out Carousell or Spotlight). Cross stitch kits will have a design traced out on a piece of fabric, detailed instructions, a needle and all the different coloured threads you need to complete the design.
Once you have mastered the basics, you can take it up a notch and move onto more complex patterns, or even create your own. Creating your designs from scratch is far more challenging but also very rewarding when you get the final product. If you start getting bored of creating designs on pieces of scrap fabrics, consider embroidering them into something that you can display, such as cushions or even clothing apparels.
Another needlework craft you can try out will be crochet. Look into a simple beginners guide to learning how to crochet here. You can get the supplies easily at any craft store online. With the revival of crochet in fashion this year, maybe you can crochet yourself a cute lil beanie, bowtie or scarf!
Become a Master Chef
If you have always wanted to upskill at cooking, stop putting it off and making excuses and get in that kitchen. It’s time to stop binge-watching MasterChef on Netflix and swap out your Grab deliveries for a nice home-cooked meal. With the internet at your fingertips, you don’t even need a cookbook anymore to find new and exciting recipes. Simply go online, Google whatever you wish to cook, bookmark those recipes and get working.
For those who have perfected those basic cooking skills, elevate your recipes by making your sauces and dressings from scratch. Yes, that means nothing pre-made with artificial and preserved ingredients. You get healthier meals when you control every ingredient that goes into your cooking. So rather than using a can of pre-made sauce into your dish, look up a recipe and learn how to make it. You can also so the same with your everyday jams. How does a fresh pot of strawberry jam sound? Yummy!
Become a Gym Junkie
Just because you’re stuck indoors, it doesn’t mean you can’t be active. First, make sure to have enough room for your workouts. This is when our storage spaces come in handy. *winks* If you’re don’t have any weights or gym equipment, find substitutes in household items such as canned food or heavy cooking utensils.
There are plenty of apps and online platforms that offer free online fitness tutorials, all from the comfort of your home during this stay at home period. Check out our recommendations on our Social Media post here.
Exercise and being active can be a difficult hobby to get into, but once you start, you’ll find it difficult to live without. It’s a productive use of your time and will help improve your physical and mental health. With more exercise, you will sleep better, be less stressed and feel less cooped up indoors.
Start Vlogging
If you live alone and crave conversation during this isolation period, why not start a vlogging channel. There are lots of things you can talk and share about during isolation: gaming tips, movie or product reviews, beauty tutorials, react videos, travel recommendations or even videos on sharing your newfound hobbies; the list goes on!
All you need is a camera and a laptop/computer which most of us would already have at home. For inspiration on how to get started, browse the many blogs and channels readily available on YouTube. Narrow them down to the topics you’re interested in and then recreate your very own videos. There are a few things you will notice most vloggers do that you should adopt when you film your vlogs:
- Have a clean and simple background
No one wants to watch a video with a messy and cluttered background so, clean up your filming space before you begin. If you live in a small space and can’t seem to keep it tidy enough, hang up a sheet or film in front of the window with your curtain closed. If you don’t have either, get creative with fabrics you have, and repurpose them as backdrops. - Good lighting
Make sure you have good lighting for your vlog. You don’t want your videos to be too dark or too bright. You want people to be able to see you and what you are doing easily and clearly. If you don’t have any lighting setup, make sure you film facing open windows, so you can make good use of the natural light from the outdoors. - No background noises
When filming, you want to make sure there is no background noise. It makes your vlog more pleasing to watch when there is no clanging, banging or random people walking around and talking in the background. If you live with other people, take your vlogging into a separate room or find a more private area.