How to Identify Burn Out Before It Affects Your Work-Life Balance
Do you find it difficult to get out of bed every morning? Are you going through your daily routine with self-care? Are you physically and mentally exhausted? If this is you, job burnout is likely the cause, so, here is what you need to know. Chronic stress-related sickness, such as exhaustion has risen quickly in recent years. Stress from jobs has contributed to approximately 120,000 deaths yearly, and almost $190 billion in healthcare costs, according to Harvard University and Stanford University Business Schools.
Job burnout can cause mental, physical and emotional stress. Exhaustion that stems from doubts about your abilities and the value-add that you bring to your job is a part of job burnout. It can affect your company productivity, and it can be a significant detriment to your health.
Signs of Job Burnout
To reduce the risks of experiencing job burnout, you should know the signs, which include the way you act or feel in your Workspace. Your coworkers may notice negative emotions such as cynicism, detachment, pessimism and irritability. Below are some of the signs that intervention is needed.
You not excited about work: The lack of interest and enthusiasm is a sign of burnout. The tasks and projects that made you feel proud and satisfied, no longer make you feel that way; instead, you feel exhausted, indifference or depleted. If you have to struggle to summon up enthusiasm and energy for projects that used to motivate or energize you that is the telltale sign of burnout and depression as well.
You do not put in the effort in your Workspace: The lack of emotion leads to apathetic and cynical attitudes. The sufferers take on a robot mentality, just doing the bare minimum and going through the motions of going to work and completing tasks.
Do not work at a high-performance level
Little interest in daily activities and tasks can lead to poor performance. Not taking care of your work, ignoring deadlines and rechecking your work is a sign something is wrong.
Exhaustion and fatigue are common signs of burnout. If getting out of bed and going to work is a struggle, you are well on your way to burnout territory.
Physical Ailments and Pain
Burnout does not only affect you mentally but physically, as well. Some physical complaints reported include:
- Insomnia
- Fainting or Dizziness
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Headaches
- Gastrointestinal pain
- Heart palpitations
There are other reasons for these pains and ailments, but if you are experiencing with the above emotional changes, they might be a physical sign of burnout. You can avoid job burnout by being attentive to your career and your home life. Employees who are good at managing their home life and work life excel in their careers. If you can put a check on your life ambition and keep your stress level down, you will be able to avoid burnout.
Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance is vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding burnout and reducing stress. You can attain work-life balance by making your job, responsibilities, your career ambitions and your lifestyle benefit you and your employer. Employees are confident and relaxed when they know they are valued and trusted as a person and as an employee. The employer can benefit from a motivated, productive employee. Once you recognize the signs, there are many non-medical things that can be done to help your situation. Some of the action you can take includes changing your work schedule, work remotely, vacation, unpaid leave or change in your work-life and personal life.
Flexible Schedule
A flexible work schedule can help you manage your life and work responsibilities. Requesting and getting approval for a flexible work schedule can improve your productivity and help you achieve a work-life balance. A good example is changing your shift to a 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, which may be better if you are a parent trying to get the kids to school on time. Flexible hours can be difficult for the employer, but the impact and impression on an employee life is worth it.
Work Remotely
Technology has provided the tools, such as computers, laptops and mobile devices, to work remotely. A change of scenery weekly can benefit employees. Employers who permit their employees to work remotely can help reduce stress and help attain and maintain a work-life balance.
Staycations and Vacations are great for resting, relaxing and getting a second wind. They allow employees to get away from work for a while to rejuvenate. Employees need to disconnect while on vacation. But the downside is that with technology, employers expect you to handle problems outside business hours. Working after hours or during vacation can help employees stay ahead and be competitive but it is mentally and physically draining. Employees can spend their vacation time however they want. But the desire to check and respond to phone messages and email messages can only speed up your burnout.
Unpaid Leave
Unpaid leave is time off requested without pay. Companies provide paid personal days and sick days, but sometimes event requires more time than allotted for days off. The length of time of the unpaid leave can be whatever acceptable to the employer and the employee. Employees can request unpaid leave for certain events, planned or unplanned, such as pregnancies, illnesses, a move, life-changing decision or emergencies. Unpaid leave can provide employees the time to adjust to the pressures in Workspace.

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